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Delaware Burn Camp Registration Open

The Delaware Burn Camp is offering the opportunity to attend this one week overnight camp to children from 6 - 18 years of age, who have suffered from the traumas associated with being burned and it's recovery. The camp is completely FREE to all participants, as it is 100% funded by it's donors. Due to the fact that we provide transportation to and from the camp, we have limited the opportunity to children living on the Eastern Shore in Maryland and Delaware, and lower PA and NJ. The camp takes place from August 9th through August 14th, and includes activities such as swimming, kayaking, horseback riding, boating, fishing, laser tag, remote control cars, and arts & crafts, and much more. It is really quite amazing!

Camp Barnes is located on the Indian River Inlet in Frankford, DE.

For more information, and an application, you can see the flier attached or visit our website at Call Joanne Hutchinson, at 302-653-4090 if you require further info. Also, feel free to call and discuss this unique opportunity with me.



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