NASFM 2019 Roundup
On July 19th, the Maryland Office of the State Fire Marshal hosted the 30th year anniversary for The National Association of State Fire Marshals (NASFM) Conference in Annapolis, Maryland from July 19th to the 22nd. State Fire Marshals nationwide gather once a year to discuss methods for overcoming modern day challenges and preventing serious risks that fires can impose on our communities. This annual conference is also dedicated to educating fellow State Fire Officials on the newest programs and methods for fire prevention, as well as keeping everyone up-to-date on the latest technologies for preventing fires.
Maryland’s very own State Fire Marshal, Brian Geraci, was unanimously reelected to serve two additional years on the NASFM Board at the principle membership meeting in Annapolis. Geraci has been serving the association since 2017.
As the conference was in session, the spouses and partners had their own agenda of events to attend. Activities ranged from enjoying a seafood tour to taste every Marylander’s favorite seafood dishes, to a day tour of St. Michael’s to explore all the charming town has to offer!
Shown below are some highlights of the 2019 NASFM conference showcasing the productive week:

Water curtain arranged by the BWI Fire for incoming guests including the NASFM President.

Montgomery County Firefighter pipes and drums brigade at the opening ceremonies

Presentation of colors at opening ceremony

All guests pose for a picture in front of the Maryland Fire-Rescue Memorial in Annapolis Maryland

Maryland State Fire Marshal Brian Geraci gives his welcoming remarks at the opening ceremonies in Annapolis, Maryland.

Spouses and Partners pose for a picture in front of the Maryland Fire-Rescue Memorial in Annapolis Maryland prior to heading out for their conference activities.

Spouses and partners taking a dinner cruise from Annapolis

Partners on day trip in St Michaels

Maryland Chief Deputy Fire Marshal Gregory Der on the day cruise to St Michaels with spouses and partners.

Partners walking through St Michaels for shopping and sightseeing

Maryland Office of the State Fire Marshal escorting partners as they explore St Michaels

Deputy Fire Marshals Childress and Walters at the NASFM Conference