Master Deputy Promoted to Deputy Chief

Master Deputy State Fire Marshal Derek Chapman is promoted to the rank of Deputy Chief State Fire Marshal. Deputy Chief Chapman is a 20 year veteran who started his career with the Office of the State Fire Marshal in 1998. He has been assigned to the Northeast Regional Office since starting his employment with the Agency and is now the Commander of that Region. He is the first African American Master Deputy in the history of the Agency to be promoted to the Rank of Deputy Chief.
Deputy Chief Chapman previously served on the DC/ MD Area Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) Arson Task Force where he was awarded the TOP COP Honorable Mention Award. He also received the “William French Smith Award” for Outstanding Contributions to Cooperative Law Enforcement for their work with Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) on the arrest of serial arsonist Thomas Sweatt. This honorary award is granted to recognize State and local law enforcement officials who have made significant contributions to cooperative law enforcement endeavors. This award was presented to Chapman by the U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzale. DCFM Chapman was selected by the Department of Justice to receive an award at the 54th annual Attorney General Awards Ceremony.
Chapman served as the President and Vice President of the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 123. He was the Vice President of State Law Enforcement Officers Labor Alliance (SLEOLA) from 2016 until 2018, when he was required to step down as a result of his promotion. He was also named the Deputy State Fire Marshal of the Year for the North East Region in 2016.
Deputy Chief Chapman's promotion is well deserved. The Agency wishes him the best of luck in his new position and future endeavors.