STATEWIDE (September 8, 2017) - The Office of the State Fire Marshal is prepared to assist the citizens of Maryland and neighboring states should Hurricane Irma make landfall. The agency has over forty Deputy State Fire Marshals, six fire safety inspectors and four engineers on standby and ready to assist should Governor Hogan call upon the agency to help with the biggest hurricane in over 20 years
The Office of the State Fire Marshal has a full range of resources to assist in the aftermath including: (2) boats with certified boat operators, an all-terrain vehicle, an aerial drone and a fully equipped Fire Investigation Unit (FIU) which host a compliment of crime scene and other evidence collection equipment. The Office of the State Fire Marshal - Bomb Squad has numerous PADI certified divers who are members of the Underwater Hazardous Device Dive Team. These members have the resources and equipment with rescue capabilities, who are also trained in exothermic underwater cutting.
Deputy State Fire Marshals are sworn police officers and many are crossed trained as Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT), firefighters and first responders. Our Fire Safety Inspectors (FSI) are prepared to ease the transition to relief centers and assure citizens are safe by maintaining fire watches and egresses are clear. Engineers are available to offer guidance and reassurance should their services be required in building codes as well as structural and building evaluations.
From Oakland in the mountains of Maryland to the beaches of Ocean City, Deputy State Fire Marshals, Fire Safety Inspectors and Fire Protection Engineers are spread out across the state ready to assist the citizens of Maryland and neighboring states.
Maryland Agencies Stand Ready to Support States Affected by Hurricane Irma Urge Marylanders to Prepare for Potential Impact
ANNAPOLIS, MD – Governor Larry Hogan today announced Maryland’s coordinated efforts to support areas in the southeastern United States that will be impacted by Hurricane Irma this weekend. State agencies have rapidly assessed and readied resources and personnel to send to other states when requested.
“I urge all Marylanders to prepare now for the potential effects of Hurricane Irma,” said Governor Hogan. “While we have the benefit of time, review your family emergency plans and ensure you have supplies on hand. As always, Maryland stands ready to support our friends and neighbors in states that will be dealing with the impacts from this major hurricane first.”
The Maryland Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) continues to monitor this system and prepare for any hazards the State of Maryland may experience.
“The most intense threats from Hurricane Irma are not predicted to hit Maryland at this time," said MEMA Executive Director Russell Strickland. "MEMA continues to monitor requests for assistance in areas that expect to be impacted by Irma or are recovering from Harvey. We are actively working with our state and local partners to coordinate resource support available throughout the Maryland emergency management system."
The following State agencies are available to support states affected by Hurricane Irma:
Maryland Emergency Management Agency
MEMA has staff ready to support local and state emergency operations centers in affected areas and teams available to conduct damage assessments and recovery operations.
Maryland Military Department
The Maryland Military Department is able to deploy a Helicopter Aquatic Rescue Team (HART) and search and rescue utility helicopters, aircraft and personnel.
Maryland State Police
The resources of the Maryland State Police Special Operations Division are on stand-by to assist if requested to respond. Those resources include the Maryland State Police Underwater Recovery Team of divers and a rescue boat; trained search and rescue personnel; tactical paramedics, and a Mobile Field Force Team of troopers for law enforcement support.
Maryland State Fire Marshall
Maryland State Fire Marshal would be able to provide boats, drone, investigation unit personnel, fire protection engineers, and additional first response personnel.
Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems
MIEMSS has identified Advanced Life Support (ALS) Ambulance Strike Teams (AST) ready to assist. Each team has 5 ambulances and a leader with support/response vehicle, each unit staffed for 24/7 operations. MIEMSS has a staffed Medical Ambulance Bus with a supervisor and has personnel with vehicles to lead and support deployed Maryland EMS resources.
Governor’s Office of Homeland Security
The Governor’s Office of Homeland Security has alerted all personnel to be available for staffing requests consistent with weather forecasts, response planning or actual occurrences.
Homeland Security has proactively contacted counterparts in forecasted affected States offering assistance.
Homeland Security personnel remain available to assist storm affected jurisdictions with personnel consistent with availability and type.
Maryland Department of Aging
The Maryland Department of Aging has spoken with the Director of the Florida Department of Elder Affairs to offer our support and stands ready with Aging expert personnel to assist however possible. This includes providing training to shelter staff about older adults and assisting in relocating older adults back to their homes. The expertise available includes Certificated Information and Referral Specialists with Maryland Access Point, and Long-Term Care Ombudsmen services for individuals who live in long-term care facilities.
The Eldercare Locator (1-800-677-1116 or serves as a resource for older adults and long distance caregivers.
Maryland Department of Agriculture
MDA is prepared to respond to requests to assist with intake of companion animals at pet-friendly shelters in an affected state.
MDA is prepared to respond to requests to assist with animals in distress.
Maryland Department of Commerce
The Maryland Department of Commerce is able to assist other states affected by Hurricane Irma by identifying hotel and motel vacancies in Maryland to accommodate those seeking temporary housing.
The department will conduct economic impact analysis by identifying companies in affected areas and the number of affected people and employees.
Maryland Department of Disabilities
The Department of Disabilities is prepared to support response and recovery operations in impacted states in the following ways:
Technical assistance and support for assistive technology
Evaluate documents and websites for conformance to universal design and accessibility to assistive technology.
Train emergency managers on the essential nature of information accessibility, and how to create social media that is accessible to all viewers.
Assist public information/media officers, as requested, to remediate documents and social media messages for universal accessibility.
Advise senior leadership and policy teams on emerging issues that impact people with disabilities and others with access and functional needs.
Examine planning documents to ensure inclusion of the whole community.
Identify and resolve issues that affect individuals with disabilities and others with access and functional needs.
Guidance to ensure that response, sheltering, and recovery policies affecting people with disabilities are consistent and appropriate.
Provide resource referral and information.
The department’s partner organizations have inventories of DME such as wheelchairs, walkers, etc. available for short term loan in the event equipment is destroyed.
Maryland Department of Education
Provide support and guidance to Local School Systems and families for the immediate enrollment of displaced students into Maryland Public Schools. The enrollment of students would need to be expedited with or without transcripts, student records, any specialized documentation of services including Special Education, etc.
Work with the school systems regarding immunization requirements and temporary admission/retention. The MSDE would facilitate communication with the Maryland Department of Health.
Provide support and guidance to student services personnel (Directors of Student Services, school counselors, nurses, psychologists, social workers, pupil personnel workers, etc.)
Address the needs of students who are in crisis and who are experiencing trauma as a result of the displacement by collaborating with community partners, other Maryland State agencies, and school systems
Coordinate with appropriate offices to meet the needs of English Learners, migrant and homeless students
Coordinate the collection of school supplies for students who are displaced
Work with transportation in order to transport students to schools
Collaborate with non-public schools as needed
Post information on the front page of MSDE's website to provide assistance and guidance to families regarding enrollment and resources
Maryland Department of the Environment
Environment has HazMat response teams and inspectors with various expertise related to emergency and disaster response and recovery.
Maryland Department of Health
The Health Department's Office of Preparedness & Response also coordinates the Maryland Responds Medical Reserve Corps, in which thousands of volunteers could be deployed in the event of a public health emergency.
The Office of Preparedness & Response also has worked with State partner agencies such as Department of Human Services, the Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems and the Maryland Emergency Management Agency to review procedures for accepting potential evacuees from storm zones.
Maryland Department of Human Services
The Maryland Department of Human Services has human service, mass care, sheltering, and recovery workers prepared to deploy to affected states.
Human Services has communicated with facilities and staff in case it was necessary to open disaster shelters and coordinated planning with the Red Cross.
Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation
Following the storm, the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation will offer unemployment and workforce resources and services to U.S. residents affected by Hurricane Irma, to include assistance with the intake of unemployment claims.
Maryland Department of Natural Resources
The Maryland Department of Natural Resources has trailer-able boats and experienced operators, if needed. Our coastal resiliency and restoration teams have already been in contact with our sister states to discuss shoreline rebuilding and reconstruction. We have a team of water quality experts on hand to assist with monitoring and sampling post-storm.
Natural Resources Police has equipment, officers and supervisors available to assist affected states and communities. They can help with boat deployments, mission control support, search and recovery/rescue missions and security.
Maryland Department of Information Technology
Information Technology is capable of providing the following services to other states in the form of staff augmentation, hardware, and technical assistance in the following IT technical domains:
GIS Services and Professionals (mapping and analyzing data, mapping disaster areas, this can be done from Maryland)Networking LAN/WAN Support (running cables, setting networks up in temporary facilities)
Server and Storage (temporary use of of back end systems)
End User Computing/Desktop Support (staff augmentation)
IT helpdesk call center
Disaster Recovery Management – Assist in DR failover and Reconstitution
Web applications and content management
Mainframe COBOL Programmers
Mainframe zOS and DB2 support
Radio Technicians
57 Handheld Radios P25 Motorola Radios
Maryland Department of Planning
Staff of the Maryland Historical Trust is available to assist State Historic Preservation Offices in the affected region by carrying out damage assessments and analysis of historic and cultural resources in communities affected by Hurricane Irma to determine the extent of damage and prioritize recovery operations. The Maryland Historical Trust is also available to provide guidance on repair, rehabilitation, and protection of historic and cultural resources as requested.
Maryland Department of Transportation
The Maryland Department of Transportation would be available to assist by providing equipment and personnel in the following areas:
Equipment and personnel for light debris removal, particularly along and adjacent to highways and roadways
Technicians to assist with signal light repair
Bridge Inspectors to ensure bridges and overpasses are not damaged by the storm or flooding conditions
The Maryland Transit Administration is prepared to deploy assets from its police force in order to help with the aftermath of Hurricane Irma.
Maryland Insurance Administration
As a member of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, the Maryland Insurance Administration has a team of trained insurance professionals available to provide help and support with insurance issues to sister state insurance departments that might be impacted by the storms.
Maryland Public Service Commission
The Maryland Public Service Commission continues to coordinate with the Maryland electric companies on their storm preparation efforts. All of the major Maryland electric companies continue to monitor the storm and are prepared for any potential impacts. They are also participating in regular calls regarding the provision of mutual assistance to areas impacted by Irma once the Maryland threat from Irma has subsided.
Maryland State Department of Assessment and Taxation
If property is damaged by the storm, residents may qualify to have their property assessments reduced. Once it is safe to do so, SDAT assessors will distribute applications to affected areas encouraging residents to apply, and will also perform on-site inspections.
If a storm occurs and residents qualify to have their property assessments reduced, SDAT will coordinate with local governments to ensure any corrected tax bills or refunds are issued in a timely manner.