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August OSFM Accelerant K-9 Teams Training

Here are some pictures from the OSFM August K-9 training in Harford County. Our agency currently has four(4) Accelerant Detection Canine (ADC) Teams. DFM John Nelson & K-9 Zorro, DFM Melissa Decker & K-9 Sky, DFM Jeff Thomas & K-9 Billie, and DFM Oliver Alkire & K-9 Kachina. Each team received there initial six-week certified training at the ATF K-9 Training Center in Front Royal, VA.

Kachina turned four years-old on August 16th! After a long, hot muggy day of training she celebrated her birthday by going home, chillin’ on her couch and having a big doggie biscuit. Kachina was previously trained by the Guiding Eyes for the Blind; however she found her calling in Accelerant Detection for the Office of the State Fire Marshal. Happy Birthday Kachina and thank you for all you do for the State of Maryland its citizens!

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